Waterjet cutting abrasives in Parma - IGM

IGM Srl in Parma deals in import, manufacture and exclusive distribution of Garnet and waterjet cutting abrasives.
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Abrasive-jet cutting technology (waterjet) represents an eco-friendly and versatile solution to perform high complexity cuts and shapes on multiple materials (ceramic tiles, stones, glass, metals, wood, polymers…) enabling to reproduce accurate designs with extreme accuracy .

The purchase of waterjet machinery entails considerable entry costs of investment and discreet maintenance and operative costs of consumables, spares and pump parts. On the other waterjet technology is said to involve low manpower costs in case of good functioning of the system, yet truth is that unreliable, instable, not certified and poor quality abrasive products can compromise the well functioning of operations, cause delays, plant stops and system resets and eventually inflate the overall costs unexpectedly and severely.

IGM offers several Garnet products options under its brand and flagship. These different product families differentiated and developed in terms of price, quality and specific application, so to offer our customers waterjet cutting abrasives capable of valorizing the whole process and reach top quality standards , along with a lower wear of consumables and spares. Based on these features IGM branded Garnet can really improve waterjet system productivity and grant an extended machine shelf life based on specific customer set of preferences and needs, as testified by product comparative tests certified by international organizations. Our waterjet  abrasives product range are developed spending a special care on screen percentage distribution, with complete dust and over-screen granules  and powder elimination. IGM garnet has the lowest level of chlorides and dissolved solids, it is 100% pure top quality garnet powder!

Our abrasives are the best are the best, their quality is certified and reported by comparative tests handled by main international research centers and universities. Ask a copy of our certifications.

Our production process and highly automated quality control enables us to maintain the highest constant quality standard of our Garnet sand, thus avoiding obstructions or draggings in the feeding tube and minihoper as well as inside the mixing chamber or at nozzle level, thus allowing the use of bigger abrasive tanks suitable of bigger loads of abrasive to stock for use on extra working hours without the direct presence of the operator.

The vast majority of recycled/blended is a result of the re-processing of exhaust abrasives coming from naval and petrochemical sandblasting.  A general consequence of using recycled or regenerated abrasives is a massive loss of abrasive power and increased powder generation due to the breaking of the chemical bonds linking the molecular structure of the abrasive crystal (from the previous fracture of sandblasting).
On second instance in several cases intrusions of pollutant elements (as paints or Hydrocarbons) pass through the recycling process and remain attached to the final product (in some cases it can be found also by smelling the material).
These products mean an immediate gain on purchase price but bear as a consequence increased production costs and minor efficience, health and environmental threats, and an increased wear of the machinery.

In IGM instead we do guarantee our products are only made of new Garnet, with maximum quality standards and, more of that, with the assurance of working in full safety and withouth any hazard for the operator.
Our product are specifically studied to offer a wide range of choices among the directives of cost/quality markup depending on desired cutting speed and finishing quality, media to be cut, nozzle, jewel and pressure applied… enabling a massive operating cost reduction.

Nobody else has our certifications, nobody else has our quality


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