
Waste management and consulting in Parma - IGM

Apart from the sale of Garnet and Abrasives, IGM deals with the Management and assistance for the correct disposal of abrasives wastes in Parma. Contact us for more info!

Let our experienced personnel guide  you and develop together the  best customized waste management systems and procedures for your abrasive wastes, with tailored proposals and interventions meant to protect human health and our environment.

IGM srl does not deal only with import, manufacturing and distribution of Garnet abrasives and powders but also offers coherent and engineered packagings meant to optimize safety and storage right from the first purchase of IGM products. Our containers and packages allow a safe storage and the correct manipulation of new as well as exhaust and waste abrasives, as per ruling international regulations  and good working practices. You can perform any sandblasting, filtration and waterjet process without neglecting that right respect and care for our global environment that should accompany any and all of human activities.